Taking a cue from the movement for disability rights call for "nothing about us without us," CO/LAB started this leadership program to prepare CO/LAB actors to model positive leadership, be artistic mentors and ambassadors for the organization, and serve as an advisory committee to CO/LAB’s leadership team.
In its first two seasons, the CO/LAB:leaders trained adult CO/LAB actors to be camp counselors for Camp BlueLAB, a two-week summer program for young actors developed with Bluelaces Theater Company. These youth actors with disabilities were able to see, work with, and learn from our adult actors with disabilities. Since then, the program has expanded to include more opportunities.
CO/LAB Leaders meet regularly to discuss ways in which they can lead at CO/LAB, both in their classes and on a deeper organizational level.
Meet our Leaders!
We asked our current CO/LAB:leaders how they can be a leader and what they loved most about CO/LAB.
Here's what they had to say:
I can be a leader by representing the actors on the 10th Anniversary Committee.
I can be a leader by helping the new generation of actors.
As a leader, I’m looking forward to learning how to facilitate groups.
As a leader, I’m looking forward to truly being able to make a difference.
I can be a leader by teaching some youth actors in a CO/LAB class.
I can be a leader by going to different schools and teaching people of all ages about acting and theater.
My favorite thing about CO/LAB is performing with everybody at the show.
As a leader, I’m looking forward to facilitating in various communities.
How are CO/LAB:leaders involved with the organization?
CO/LAB Classes
CO/LAB:leaders work as classroom support in many of our youth CO/LAB:core classes. Leaders model activities, encourage participation, and assist Teaching Artists working with our young actors. Leaders have also been classroom support in CO/LAB:connect workshops, modeling our signature curriculum to participants who may be experiencing CO/LAB for the first time.
Professional Development and Outreach
CO/LAB:leaders are co-facilitators in Sharing the Stage, our capacity-building workshops for organizations who want to learn more about working alongside or creating theater with people with developmental disabilities. In addition, CO/LAB:leaders serve on panels, co-lead presentations in colleges and other education programs, and champion inclusive practices in the arts worlds.
Organizational Leadership
CO/LAB:leaders play an important role in our organizational activities. They welcome newcomers by co-leading orientations for new actors and volunteers, brainstorm ideas for programming and curriculum, and plan social events for our community. CO/LAB:leaders are also involved in the development of our strategic plans.