Season 5 / 2015-2016
Production History
Fall 2015:
We Can Be
Spring 2016:
Where the Sea Meets the Sky
Musical Theater Production Show:
Camp CO/LAB: The Musical
Image Description: CO/LAB actors, Teaching Artists, and staff, in various colored CO/LAB shirts standing in a cluster on a NYC street, holding a white banner with the CO/LAB logo on it.
Image Description: Three people in a rehearsal studio, performing a scene. On the right, a performer in jeans and a short-sleeved shirt poses with knees bent and arms to the side. In the center, a performer in a green shirt shirt stands with his right side facing the camera. On the right, a performer in a green shirt kneels with his right elbow upright atop his left hand.
Image Description: Five performers scattered throughout a rehearsal studio. In the foreground, three performers are kneeling on the floor. In the background, two performers are standing, with their arms raised.

Image Description: The cast is on stage, wearing maroon CO/LAB shirts, stand facing right, with their arms outstretched and their downstage hands angled toward the floor.

Image Description: In the background, four actors in maroon CO/LAB shirts are walking left across the stage with their arms on the shoulders of the person in front of them. In the foreground, and actor sits cross-legged in a chair.

Image Description: A group of actors in maroon CO/LAB shirts are on stage. In the back, a line of four actors standing. In front, three actors are seated, and the actor in the center is pointing to the right.

Image Description: On the right, two actors in maroon CO/LAB shirts stand back-to-back with their arms crossed. On the left, three actors look at the audience.

Image Description: Participants are in a rehearsal studio. One participant gestures with arms outstretched toward a group of four other participants, who lean backward, away from the outstretched arms.

Image Description: Three actors in a rehearsal studio. On the left and center, two participant with arms outstretched walking toward a third participant who stands with hands on their face.

Image Description: The cast, in maroon CO/LAB shirts, stand on stage facing the camera, singing with he arms raised upward.

Image Description: An actor stands at a black upright piano. A pianist sits at the piano and a percussionist sits to the right. All are wearing tie-dyed CO/LAB shirts.

Image Description: Four actors in tie-dyed CO/LAB shirts stand on stage in a line.

Image Description: Eight actors in tie-dyed CO/LAB shirts are seated on stage in a large semi circle.

Image Description: In the background, a group of actors stand on stage wearing tie-dyed CO/LAB shirts. In the foreground, guest performer Ali Stroker in a wheelchair and a tie-dyed CO/LAB shirt.

Image Description: The cast, wearing tie-dyed CO/LAB shirts, pose on stage in a cluster, with their arms outstretched in all directions.
Image Description: A CO/LAB banner hangs above an empty stage, lit in purple hues, set up for a musical performance with a piano, microphones, and guitars.
Image Description: A group of CO/LAB actors pose at a step-and-repeat with CO/LAB logos on it, holding signs that say “I Love CO/LAB” and “Big Dance Party.”
Image Description: A large group of performers, singing, seen from above.
Milestone Moments
We had CO/LAB's first annual benefit—The Big Dance Party—in the spring of 2016
The CO/LAB Theme Song premiered.
We began a years-long partnership with Lincoln Center.
Giving Tuesday 2015 launched our first-ever crowdfunding campaign.
Season by the Numbers
7 Weekly Classes Offered
88 CO/LAB:core Actors
98 COLAB:connect Actors
6 CO/LAB:connect partner organization
10 Teaching Artists
39 Supporting Artists